Monday, April 10, 2006

: : Throwing away inches : :

Ohhh....I love the measuring tape today.

I've shrunk down since the last week I measured myself :

Bust : zilch, nada, nothing. Urgh.
Waist : 1 inch!
Hips : 1.5 inches!
Thighs : 2 inches!
Updates! Weight loss : ~4 pounds!

Phew! For a moment there, I thought I wouldn't be shrinking. Have to get my supervisor to give me my measurements that she measured during the first week.

This is the 3rd week into Wena's 2006 Project of Losing Weight. It isn't going to end until Christmas, I think. That's how much I have to lose.

Have I cheated? Oh yes. Dinner at Bla Bla Bla on Thursday and 1/8 slice of a pizza yesterday.


Blogger Fish Fish said...

All the best girl. I fully support you. Do it slow, do it relaxing, you will reach it. Me on my diet programme too, but not as strict as the one you are having now.

Hey!! See you in Mid May then. ;)

April 10, 2006 8:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

me strict? i've cheated a few times already! hee hee! probably will cheat more as time goes by.

oh, it's very slow and steady one. 1 lb a week. that's the goal for me and my friend.

so far, it's been alrite. about 4 pounds in a week so not too bad. the difficult part is after the first 10 kg (those are just water). that is the real fat layer.

also, with the fact that i'm blogging about it, people are going to nag me to go on. (that's the goal anyways).

cheerio! and have fun diving!

April 10, 2006 12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder what kind of diet plan you are on. I lost 10kg, 5kg over target in 2 months, eating normal food in a slightly different proportion. And I am trying to gain weight now.

April 12, 2006 12:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i'm taking a drink supplement at the moment as well as eating veggies and a full meal during dinner.

the problem with any diet is the nutrition intake and making sure that i got enough. furthermore, i hate swallowing pills so those supplements, i really hated them when i did atkins. during atkins, if i miss a supplement, my body started protesting because of not enough nutrients.

with this morning drink, i don't have to worry so much because i'm allowed to take vegetable snacks.

also, in one of my earlier postings, i'm also doing those 8-min exercises even though i don't quite follow his diet plan. and his diet plan is peculiar because his calorie counts are different from other calorie-counters books.

problem with me is that i'm lazy to exercise. anyway, this is a slow programme of 1-2 lbs a week. atkins was drastic for me - 10 kg in 1 month but too much discipline required.

anyway, let's see how it goes. going to make more effort this time round.

April 12, 2006 1:18 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

and i have about 30-40 kg to lose. :p

definitey a long-term endeavour. before it gets worst and worst as time goes by!

April 12, 2006 1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on 2 kinds of diet, not specifically weight loss. On a Zone diet and a blood type diet. I find that it works well for me. It is a matter of dicipline, eating the right food. Well, I am not too strict on following instruction to the dot, just as a guideline. Once in a while, I give myself a day a week to let go. It is good that you commit to having the right weight early, I think it gets more difficult over time. It must be difficult for a food lover to be on a diet. Good job on loosing weight.

I'll nag you if you stop ;)

April 12, 2006 2:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

being a food lover isn't so hard. can still eat and if u notice, when i started the blog, it's mostly on food from home with granny's cooking. so home-cooked food isn't all that bad either, especially Granny's cooking. a lot of readers that i have are from overseas missing home-cooked food or wanting to know how to make some nyonya dishes that she does.

for dieting, i've been on about 10-12 different types. out of all, the most healthy was actually on Atkins. during that time, i actually counted the supplements needed like what they put into their one capsule. and during that time, i was feeling the most fit and healthy. plus, hair was the most glossy and fingernails very tough surprisingly.

the problem is that no matter how much we eat, we may not getting sufficient nutrients to be "healthy". even when i did atkins, it was still risky because i did it on my own. however, that was the one diet that taught me the importance of nutrients to make me look good, not only feel good. it also taught to appreciate rice a lot more because that starchy food actually packed a lot of nutrients. an example was when i started having weird aches and pains even though i didn't do any heavy exercises. because i restricted my calcium intake, i had to supplement them with tablets - only then did it go away.

eating the correct food is one thing. it still needs to be supplemented by nutrients in pill-form, drink-form, etc. because there's only so much we can take from food.

of course, i don't go overboard lah! there are times even i will forget. but gone are the days when i used to believe that eating the correct food is enough. it now involves taking in additional supplements and reducing/avoiding "processed" food as well. i think that's the secret of why my granny has lived for so long with not much problems.

i also have vegetarian friends who also become plump from their diet so even on full vegan diet, certain foods must be avoided as well.

oh, and regular exercise. even with correct food, exercise is still a priority for feeling better.

oh yes, please nag away. LOL!

April 12, 2006 6:09 PM  
Blogger Blackwidow said...

Wena Dear, try exercise more. It's not just to lose weight but to keep your heart strong! Build muscle, tone up your body. I feel my body is a burner, whatever I eat will turn into energy. Once exercise becomes part of your routine, you just can't live without it.

April 15, 2006 2:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

BW : LOL! U hit the nail on the dot! Actually, doing some light exercises to get started off first and get some flexibility too.

I should go swimming but it's a rush from the workplace to go swimming. I used to rush to the gym for aerobics but I ended up not liking it because I didn't lose any weight, even with controlled eating.

So, trying this other way and building up the exercise too. However, a small step at a time because I'm too heavy at the moment.

exercise used to be part of my routine. then i got lazy. BAD! BAD BAD!

doing something about it now though. my dad's bypass scared me a lot so here's hoping that this time would bring it back down!

gotta stay motivated. also, if i blog about it, most people would nag me enough that i'll remain on the bandwagon! ^_^

but one thing I gotta do when I get back to Kuching is join the company gym. That is at least RM50 a year. Just no instructor but that's alrite. As long can use treadmill and bicycle, I think alrite. :)

April 15, 2006 7:28 PM  

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