Thursday, February 02, 2006

: : Conversations during CNY : :

Sina' and Dad were around during this CNY celebration in Kuching. So, I've been following them around with the various lunches and dinners around Kuching town. Never easy looking for a place to eat during CNY as most restaurants are closed.

Anyway, here are some of the conversations that we were all having. It was a "challenge" to actually continue some of the conversation while still trying to enjoy the meal.

1st day dinner : Eldest Uncle's home. My cousin was supervising the kids dinner : both his kids and his sisters.

Cousin : J, you can't leave the table until everyone has finish eating.
J : Awwwww... *sad face and big big eyes*.
S : Man, this feels like jail.
R : We're all in jail together. Humph!
C : *Concentrates really hard on eating*.
Cousin : So, hurry up and finish eating first.

2nd day lunch : With Sina's friends in Kuching. Uncle sure has a lot to talk about what it's like living in the jungle interiors of Sarawak. So, it was definitely a lively conversation.

Uncle : People go missing in the jungle while trekking. It's either the hantu (ghost) or the python has caught them.
Wena : Wow! The python can attack that fast?
Uncle : Yes yes. They squeeze you until you faint. Then, they will choke you by putting their tail into your mouth. For the people living there, they would quickly raise their arms over their heads and let the python coil around them first. Then, they would reach down and grab the parang (huge knife) and kill them. The python can swallow wild boards and even a huge cow. Very possible for a human being to be eaten as well.
Wena : *Looks at ice-cream dessert*. Sigh. Very hard to finish my ice-cream now lah.

Uncle also related another story about Government workers in the smaller rural towns. You see, a lot of people living in the jungle have to travel a few days just to get government stuff sorted out. It can range from permits, paying fees, renewing licenses, making ICs, etc. The problem comes when the relevant officer is not even present. The general outlook is :

8 am : Report to work
8:30 am : Go for long morning break.
10:30 - 11 am : Come back to work.
12 pm - 2 pm : Go for lunch.
4 pm : Knock off home

Wena : Uncle, sounds terrible.
Uncle : Yes, and these rural folks can't complain to the relevant authorities because everyone is like that. I just advise friends to go after lunch. It's easier to get them in the afternoon, rather than in the morning.

Hmmm...the sad part is that most of these rural folks won't know who to complain to or are too bashful to even make a complain about it. And it's also not cheap for them to stay in the town inns an additional day just to sort out their government-related issues. Not all of of them have friends or family that they can live with for free.


Blogger Fish Fish said...

Wena, I've stayed in those rural places u mentioned. Indeed, it was not an easy work at all for these people to get things done. Do you mean this kind of working attitude is still common back in hometown??

February 02, 2006 10:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yeah, pretty much. it's not too bad in kuching but much much worst outstation.

and the state elections are suppose to be around the corner. they will probably be a slight improvement during that period but then it's back to the slow grind.

February 02, 2006 2:13 PM  

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