Saturday, May 15, 2004

: : Eating Healthy : :

And you bet it's all about eating healthy. Well, to a certain portion of people it is. In fact, I never used to like eating salads that much because it was always so bland. But now, I know how to make salad that I like.

One of the many salads that I've been eating the past 4 weeks (can't believe that it's been that long!) is a basic salad that I make using strips of ham, lettuce, celery, cucumber and mangkuang @ hikama/jicama. I mixed it with some dried dill but my mistake with this salad was adding too much cummin seeds. Then again, I shouldn't have added it in at all.

But! What is the secret to a good salad? Well, seriously, I do not know. All I know is that I love COLD salad. And, it must be very very cold so that the vegetables are extremely crunchy. I tend to keep salads in the fridge overnight so that when I eat it in the morning or for lunch, it's so crunchy and surprisingly sweet as well! This includes the celery and cucumber. Mangkuang @ hikama/jicama is always sweet anyway.

I notice that the vegetables get partially iced up. Well, only slightly as it doesn't taste too ice-y but just nice to give it a firm taste. I also notice one thing about eating celery : do not eat it immediately. There is some after taste after cutting it that I'm not at all sure what it is. However, after chilling it in the fridge for a few hours, it tastes a lot better.

The only problem with making salads overnight is that a lot of the water comes out of the vegetables. In the picture above, I got at least 1/4 of a cup coming out which I had to pour away. Other than that, no complaints from me.

And, would you believe that what you see in the picture was all I ate for lunch? I still sometimes feel hungry late in the afternoon but it's bearable. And, I feel a lot better after I got over the sugar and carbohydrate cravings.

Yeah, it's not for everyone. Am I a good-food-eater? No way. I ate a plate of indian rojak today that was just divine. Ah well. Not to mention crabsticks. So, there you go.


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