Wednesday, April 21, 2004

: : Planning for Lunch : :

Tonight, I spent some time thinking about what to bring for lunch tomorrow. Better to bring my own food to work as to avoid eating carbohydrates and sugars that are found in Asian cooking. Granny has been a gem by not adding in sugar and cornflour into the cooking. She cooks everyday to keep herself occupied and she loves shopping as it allows her to get out of the house. She also wants to lose weight so ends up following my diet (albeit partially) as well.

Looking through the Atkin's recipe page, thought the Devil's Egg recipe sounded really good. And it got me thinking of how tasty it really is when my sister's fiance made it in the USA last year. So, decided to give it shot. After work today, went to the supermarket to get the stuff.

I boiled 3 eggs, cut the celery, chopped up the ham. There's actually more celery and ham here as I wanted to have some salad for lunch as well. So, Devil's Egg for both breakfast (1 egg), lunch (1 egg) and a snack (1 egg). The worst thing is feeling hungry in between meals as at the moment, I'm still not use to not having any carbohydrates in my system.

The egg yolks from the hard boiled egg. Oh yeah, one thing I noticed was that the egg white did not have a perfect round hole for me to put the egg yolk in later. Any ideas on how to make the perfect egg? Oh yeah, Granny mentioned to boil eggs with some salt so that the shell doesn't crack. Good idea.

I mashed up the egg yolk with some dill, Dijon mustard, pepper, chopped celery and bits of ham. Then, I realised I forgot to get one important ingredient : MAYONNAISE! It ended up so dry that it was pretty hard to get them to put it back into the egg white. Having said that, I will not post up the picture of the finished product. Looks too terrible.

I also packed the leftover celery and ham for lunch later. Also added in some cucumbers (about 1 cup) and will be bringing along some pork pate. Pate is just about the only stuff that I will eat that has liver in it. Will be eating the pate by covering the cucumber with it. Cannot eat bread so it's either lettuce, celery or cucumber that will ate as the base for the meal.

All in all, I seem to have covered quite a fair bit but there's still not enough protein to make me fill full. Never mind. Let's see how it goes tomorrow. Will probably still eat something at the cafeteria in terms of meat but not so much to feel full. Must also remember to eat my supplements as well.

It's now the 4th day into the Atkin's Diet and so far so good. It's not that bad once you know how to do it and my cousins have also been on it with great results. But, since one is eating less food, one should also supplement the diet with multivitamins, Omega3, blah blah blah. More info at the Atkins' site. This is a good article on what to expect when starting Atkins for the very 1st time, especially when one experiences fatigue or light-headedness. If you're wondering whether I bought the book, I didn't. I spend a lot of time reading the articles available online and believe me, there are a lot of information there. Takes awhile to know what to eat and how to do the diet properly but eventually you'll get there. Best is to consult the doctor but bear in mind that not all doctors like the idea of eating less carbohydrate. This article and this one is informative when it comes to discussing with your doctor. It is mentioned, though, that the Induction phase is not good for vegetarians.

Do I feel better? Yes. I feel less tired and more energized. I get better sleep. The other perk is that I will lighter (wanted to say that out!). Oh yeah, also important to read this article.

My other plan for tomorrow : put my food in the furthest fridge in the workplace so that I end up walking to get to my food. That would roughly be about 80-100 m to and fro from my table. Now to be discipline about it and stick to the plan.


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