Saturday, September 27, 2003

: : Kolo Mee at Carpenter Street : :

Gosh, haven't been blogging for the past 2 days. Been so busy.

Last nite's farewell party was seriously a blast. But came back very tired. By then it was 2 am by the time I slept.

Woke up early this morning (7 am!!) to pass some tuak bottles to sotong dude and the idiot didn't turn on his phone. Luckily for the hotel operator and his pal was already awake to pick it up.

Dropped off the bottles, rushed back and change to go out with Lisa (a very very sweet and nice person and I think still single? okay, she's not ;p), Jackson, Melvin and Maylin to eat Kolo Mee at Carpenter Street.

We ordered the mee without any garnishings as we had it with soup. It's slightly sourish as a dash of vinegar is added in for taste.

With Spare Parts

Without Spare Parts

We ordered two bowls of soup : one with spare parts (internal organs of piggy wiggy) and one without (for Melvin). Everything was polished off except for the kolo mee which was a huge helping in itself.

The coffee shop is pretty small and be prepared to share tables. It's the normal when going to that shop although when we went, there weren't so many people yet. For those who are not used to MSG, do not go here. There is a lot of MSG in the soup so if you're not used to it, you're going to be pretty dizzy.

After that we went to the Courthouse as the other haven't seen it since it was last renovated.

There was an exhibition going on about Chinese Muslim Calligraphy.

This picture was very intriguing. A boat written in Arabic. Will be putting more shots up later.

We later went to the other end of the street to there Artrageously Ramsay Ong Gallery. There was an exhibition of Ginny Sampson's artwork. My favourite was a piece called Strung Out. Think it was slightly over RM1000 but can't quite remember. Oh well. Should check it out. The pieces were great. Also, the gallery allows Sarawakians to pay by installments for their pieces. Interesting? Of course.


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