Saturday, July 19, 2003

: : BBQ Toy for Boys : :

Geez! What will they think of next? Although, I heard that there is actually one in Kuching!! They got it made locally and were using it with charcoal.

I can hear the gears working in my Dad's head right now. He loves BBQ and used to give a lot of them. His BBQ chicken recipe is awesome!! The chicken marinate is made from dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, sugar, pepper and chopped garlic (yep, G-A-R-L-I-C!). Mix all the ingredients into a bowl first. Then, rub it into the chicken wings and leave it in the fridge overnight.

Another one of his specialties is BBQ fish. This is very very simple to do. Clean the fish by removing the scales, gills and stomach. Rub some salt and peppers on the outside. Then, stick some lemon grass into the stomach. For lemon grass, only use the root and part of the stem. Throw away the leafy part. Remember to remove the first outer layer of the lemon grass as that it is dirty. Wrapped the whole fish in aluminium foil. Then leave it on top of the wire rack on the BBQ pit. Make sure that the fire isn't too hot else it'll burn. Usually, we put the fish on the wire rack once the fire is providing medium heat i.e. does not cook the meat too fast. We usually leave it on the rack for 15-30 minutes. Can always open the foil to check if the fish is cook : be careful of the piping hot steam coming out. If not, just wrap it up again and put it back on the wire rack.


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