Wednesday, November 12, 2008

: : Homemade Gluhwein : :

Updated with pictures :

The frog is thirsty and the wine is heated up with some herbs and lemon rings. :) Yummy! Needed some sugar added in as well. :)

My friendly German colleague invited me to dinner at her house after taking me to a trip to a famous castle in Thueringia called Wartburg Castle. Her husband and only son join us. It was a nice trip and very breathtaking. Like the olden days, we climb up a hill to get there.

After the trip, we headed to her home and she made some Gluhwein for me. Yum! It's basically heated red wine with some lemon juice and spices in it. Very nice after a cold day.

Trying to get the pictures up on a slow line is a pain. Will get it up later. Time for bed! Jetlag, urgh.

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